There are times that we need help to disentangle the knots and re-weave our story. I work with my teachers and yours, using soul retrieval, essence retrieval, extraction and Healing with Spiritual Light -- to help bring you to a place of greater harmony and integration in your life.
Find out more -- or Book a Shamanic Healing now. Light Matrix healing is one of the deepest healing techniques I know. I travel into your energy body, down to the level of your Light Matrix - the foundational, interweaving web of light-filaments that energize our emotional, mental and physical bodies. All health issues begin here, on this level.
Find out more -- or Book a Light Matrix Healing now. Soul Alignment Colour Healing
Life has a habit of pushing and pulling us in so many directions that we can lose the thread that keeps us aligned with our source. Using the Colour Ray Cards, I meet the Colour Ray Masters and teachers on your behalf, for their insight, guidance and healing. The session is recorded on mp3 and sent to you. Find out more -- or Book a Colour Healing now.
Land Clearing, Healing and Blessing
Land, homes and other spaces can often hold energetic imprints from natural occurrences or past human events. Energy-clearing, healing and blessing ceremonies can clear your space, bringing light, healing and harmony.
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